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Worried about your upcoming trip abroad because you don't speak the native language? That's probably the least of your problems. Words comprise but a mere 7 to 35 percent of human communication. The rest comes via body language: gestures, posture, facial expressions, proximity and touch. What you should be thinking about are local hand gestures, especially if you're someone who can't speak without animatedly flinging your hands and arms about. Many hand gestures that are innocuous or positive in one country can be incredibly insulting or obscene in another. To make things more difficult, a gesture's meaning can also differ within a country, depending upon the locale. It may also have a particular meaning only to one subset of people, such as gays or the elderly, no matter where in the country you are. You could think keeping your hands in your pockets will solve the problem. But that's considered offensive in places, such as France, Japan and Sweden . Maybe you can keep your arms crossed over your chest? Nope. That's a sign of arrogance in Finland, for one. What to do? Before you finish packing your bags, familiarize yourself with the following 10 hand gestures. Some are considered very positive in the U.S., but all are deemed insulting in at least one spot around the globe.


Middle Finger



The most offensive gesture in America is flipping someone off. Shooting the bird. Giving them "the finger." The gesture means screw you. Bug off. Or, to be more blunt, f*** you. The gesture involves sticking up your middle finger with your palm facing in. You can make the sign calmly, or angrily extend your arm toward the intended recipient, depending on how upset you are.

在美國,最具侮辱性的手勢就是向別人豎中指,也叫做“flip someone off”或是“shoot the bird”(兩者都是俚語中對豎中指的形象代稱)。這個手勢可以被解讀爲“去你丫的”、“滾開”,或是更直截了當的“*你媽”。做這個手勢時,人的手心朝內,並豎起中指。這個手勢因當事人的惱怒程度而具有不同的呈現方式,可以做得比較溫和,但氣急敗壞時人們也會伸長了胳膊把中指怒衝着對方。

In the past, the gesture was a bit shocking to see. Not so much anymore. A news database search reported by NPR noted the phrase "giving the finger" was used three times more from 2000 to 2010 than it was between 1990 and 2000. And as anyone living in America knows, you'll see an impressive (dismaying?) assortment of people using it, from prominent politicians to movie stars. If this keeps up, "the finger" may no longer be seen as shocking and crude. Which likely means another gesture will take its place as most offensive. "The finger," incidentally, is largely understood and used throughout the Western world, even though other countries might have their own preferred gestures to impart the same meaning.




盤點世界上最不文明的十大手勢(上) 第2張

Is everything all right? In America, you might respond to such a question by flashing the "A-OK" sign, created by touching your forefinger to your thumb and pointing the remaining three fingers straight up. While the origins of the action are unclear, it appears the symbol is an attempt to create a crude "o" and "k" (the "o" is certainly clear, though not so much the "k"). This gesture is also widely used in the diving world to both ask if a diver is fine, and for the diver to respond back that she is. Don't make this gesture in Brazil, however, where it's akin to giving someone the finger. In Greece and Turkey, it's also seen as quite vulgar, and insinuates the person to whom it's given is a homosexual. In some Middle Eastern countries, the "A-OK" is the symbol for the "evil eye". Perhaps the worst misuse of this sign in recent history was committed by then-Vice President Richard M. Nixon in the 1950s. The VP emerged from his plane in Brazil, made an "A-OK" sign with each hand, and enthusiastically wagged them to the assembled crowd. Not surprisingly, the people were astounded and infuriated at this double insult.


Chin Flick


盤點世界上最不文明的十大手勢(上) 第3張

Among all of the possible hand gestures that can be misinterpreted around the world, the chin flick may be the least confusing. So if you have a habit of flicking your chin while you talk, don't sweat it too much. In much of Italy, people will make the gesture — which involves placing the fingertips of one hand under your chin, pointing at your neck, then flicking them out towards the person with whom you're speaking — to indicate they couldn't care less (about you, what you're saying, your dog, the scrape on your pinkie). Frankly, my dear, they just don't give a damn. It can also mean they're positively not willing to do something. In Northern Italy, France, Belgium and Tunisia, the chin flick can be used to tell someone to get lost (in a little bit more aggressive language than this). And speaking of aggressive, if someone wants to be quite emphatic about their intended message, they will make the gesture quite forcefully.




盤點世界上最不文明的十大手勢(上) 第4張

It's such a fun game to play with babies and tots. "I've got your nose!" you say playfully, after you've made a gentle swipe. To prove you've really snatched their proboscis, you hold up your hand, curled in a fist, with your thumb sticking up in between your pointer and middle finger. Your thumb, of course, is supposedly the baby's nose. Alas, while this game is common in the U.S., Australia and Canada, it's never played in Turkey. In that country, the hand gesture, commonly known as "the fig," is like calling someone an unprintable name. It's also quite insulting to people in Indonesia, Italy, India, China and Russia. This gesture hails back to ancient times, when the Romans used it to indicate sexual union. In a positive manner, that is — to wish someone good luck and fertility. It also was seen as a protective measure against the evil eye. The Romans called the gesture mano fico, or fig hand, as they felt the thumb-in-fist looked like a woman's private parts. "Fica" is Italian for fig, and also slang for vulva; Romans equated figs with female fertility. Interestingly, the gesture is also the same used for the letter T in American Sign Language. Oops.

“抓鼻子”是一個和孩子們一起玩的有趣的遊戲。當你輕輕地刮蹭到了對方的鼻子,你就能激動地喊:“我逮住你的鼻子啦!”爲了證明你的確抓到了對方的鼻子,你可以把一隻手握拳,而大拇指夾在食指與中指之間伸出。當然,你的大拇指指代的就是孩子的鼻子。然而,儘管這個遊戲風靡於美國、澳大利亞和加拿大,在土耳其卻是被禁止的。在那兒,這個手勢被稱爲“The Fig”,等同於用下流的綽號來稱呼對方。同樣,在印尼、意大利、印度、中國和俄羅斯,這個手勢都具有相當的冒犯性。這個手勢的來歷要追溯到古羅馬時期,當時人們用其來指代性關係。一個美好的解讀是,這個手勢蘊含着對幸運和多子多福的祝願。同時,這也被視作是對抗邪惡之眼的保護動作。羅馬人把這個手勢稱作“mano fico”,即“Fig”手勢,他們認爲伸出的拇指使這個手勢看起來像女性的私密部位。“Fica”在意大利語裏等同於“Fig”,同時也是一個俚語,指代女性的陰部。就這樣,他們把這個手勢視作生育能力的象徵。有趣的是,在美國的手勢語言中,這個動作用來表示字母“T”。嘿嘿,有點兒意思。

Horn Fingers


盤點世界上最不文明的十大手勢(上) 第5張

Harley Clark had no idea what he was doing when, as head cheerleader at the University of Texas at Austin, he introduced a hand gesture to his fellow students at a rally. Clark said the new gesture was now the official sign for the Texas Longhorns football team, to be used whenever they played. The sign, made by raising the index and pinkie fingers while holding the rest down, was thought up by a classmate, and was supposed to resemble the school's horned mascot. After the rally, Clark was chewed out by an administrator, who said he had no authority to make such a proclamation. Besides, the gesture had a terrible meaning in Italy. But the "Hook 'em Horns" sign was immediately embraced by Longhorns fans, and a decade later by American rockers, who used it to encourage fans to party on. Not a big deal in America, of course, but in countries such as Italy and Spain, as well as in Brazil, Colombia and some Baltic nations, the sign (known as a corna or cornuto) is an offensive gesture letting a man that, "Hey, your wife's a whore." The "bull horn" insult dates back at least 2,500 years — bulls used to be castrated to make them calmer. The gesture is also used as a satanic salute. This became problematic for President George W. Bush when, in 2005, he flashed the Hook 'em Horns sign at his second inauguration. Some Nordic newspapers proclaimed he was hailing Satan. In 1985, use of the gesture also caused five Americans to be arrested. The group, visiting Italy, was celebrating a major Longhorns victory by dancing with "devil horns" near the Vatican.


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