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同意與反對 Agreeing & Disagreeing




Vincent: As a good corporate citizen, we must face the following issues. One is to make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. Two is that we find a way to give clean water to everyone who uses the powder.

Sam: Can we do both and still not make the price too high? We want to market it to the people who need it the most - the poor. And most of those people in those places are very, very poor.

Vincent: A valid point. Well then, let's toss the first problem around a little. We can't make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water. The price will be too high, and people could get sick if they still try to drink it. But I think we can add something that would make the color change.

Grace: Good idea. Like black or something. Nobody would let their kids drink something that didn't look like milk.

Sam: I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. These people wash, drink, and even swim every day in the water that LOOKS dirty. But they do it anyway, because they're so poor there's no way they can get clean water.

Vincent: That's true. Maybe we could add something that would make it smell bad too. If it smells bad and looks bad, that might make sure they don't drink it. But I don't know how much more it will add to the cost.

Grace: If it jacks up the cost too much nobody will buy it. That won't help anyone -- them or us. But we can't just sell it without a way to stop buyers from using dirty water.



●  提出歸納
1. We must face the following issues. One is... Two is...
2. I've come to the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...
3. I've reached the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...
4. There are (two) main issues here; the first issue is...; the second is...

這句型的功用在於提出關鍵性的歸納,並隨後逐項加以解釋。這句話由於以"we"爲主詞,沒使用"I think"、"from my point of view"等牽涉個人的用語開頭,所以大幅降低主觀意識,會讓在座者較易接受說話者的意見。

●  贊同看法
1. A valid point.
2. I agree completely.
3. I agree one hundred percent.
4. I agree wholeheartedly.

"valid"是‘確實的;有價值的';"point"爲‘重點;觀點'。這用語是說對方提出的這一點很有參考價值,值得重視。等於"It's a valid point.",將"It's"省略後,語氣更形簡潔有力。這句話表示自己完全同意對方的看法,並百分之百地支持;常能發揮鼓勵他人發言的作用,可用於正式或非正式的場合。

●  表達反對
1. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.
2. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that.
3. I'm sorry, but I can't support that position / idea.
4. I'm sorry, but I can't go along with that.

"disagree"的意思是‘不同意;反對'。這句話可用於半正式與正式場合中。請注意這句話所不同意的是‘意見'而非‘個人',純粹對事不對人,所以可以很技巧地避免讓對方下不了臺。用"I'm sorry"開頭,尤顯客氣有禮。

●  More 同意與反對


I'm in complete agreement.
I quite agree.
I couldn't agree more.

I agree.
You're right there.
I think you're right.
That's true.
That's right.

I disagree completely.
That's out of the question.
On the contrary.
Of course not!
That's ridiculous.

I don't agree.
That's not how I see it.
I wouldn't say that.
I don't think it will work.
I disagree.


A. 參加會議時一定要帶筆記本


B. 目光直視不閃躲,能給人自信的印象


C. 會議中傳達訊息的身體語言
