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padding-bottom: 50%;">口語課堂第67期:岌岌可危

(put something) on the line: at risk 冒風險 (工作,職業,名譽)面臨風險,岌岌可危

If we don't make a profit, my job is on the line. 我們要是賺不了錢,我就有失業的危險.

If I don't get enough contracts this month, my job will be on the line. 如果這個月我籤不到足夠的合同,我的工作久就保不住了.

By making such an unusual film, he has really put his reputation on the line. 製作這樣一部另類的電影,他真是在拿自己的名譽冒險.

口語課堂第67期:岌岌可危 第2張

somewhere along/down the line:某一時刻,某一環節

With an idiot like him to advise you, it was certain that you would get into trouble somwhere along the line. 有他這樣的一個蠢材做你的顧問,你早晚會出岔子.

How did it happen?
I don't know. I just know that somewhere along the line we stopped loving each other.