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Do you want to visit the UN building教案及反思

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爲了幫助各位小學英語老師做好英語教案備課,下面本站小編爲大家帶來Do you want to visit the UN building英語教案,希望對你有所幫助!

Do you want to visit the UN building教案及反思
  Do you want to visit the UN building英語教案


Have the children love our hometown more deeply.




a song “Children from China are Chinese” .

二、Presentation and Leading

1、教師出示歌曲中涉及到的China 、American、 England、Russia 四個國家的國旗,讓學生辨認,同時進行簡單對話

T: Do you like ---(國名)? Ss: Yes, I do.

T: Do you want to go there ? Ss: Yes, we do.


2、教師告訴學生:假期裏,Daming和Simon 與Simon’s father一起去了美國紐約觀光。讓我們一起看看,他們都去了哪裏?都看到了什麼?




3、介紹the UN building 並講解UN的含義(the United Nations)同時引出the People’s Republic of China (即 PRC)


(1) T: Are there any flags ?

S: Yes, there are flags from all around the world.

(2) T: Where are the flags from ?

S: They’re from 191 countries.

(3) T: What do the countries of the UN want to do?

S: They want to bring peace to the world.

(4) T: What did Simon want to do? How did he say?

S: “I want to show Daming the present from China.”

(5) T: What is the present from China to the UN?

S: It’s a train.

(6) T: What did Daming want to do? How did he say?

S: “I want to take a photo.”





T: Do you want to play a game?

S: Yes, we do.

T: Good. Look, there are many flags here, which country do you want to go to?

S: I want to go to ---(國名)。

此時,多媒體出現America、England、Japan、Russia、Mexico、China六個國家的國旗,當學生任選其一時,教師點擊相應國旗,電腦隨之出現一個動詞或動詞短語,學生利用I want to 來造句。

(1)I want to go to the park.

(2) I want to fly.

(3) I want to visit the moon.

(4) I want to go to the museum.

(5) I want to fly a plane.

(6) I want to be a pilot.

五、 Homework

T: Do you want to be a good student?

S: Yes, we do.

T: So you need to do your homework everyday.

Remember today’s homework:

Talk about your dreams in groups.

  Do you want to visit the UN building教學反思

本單元的教學內容是一篇關於Simon向Daming 介紹聯合國和聯合國大廈的對話。作爲第一課時的主要教學目標是讓學生在理解的基礎上會讀課文內容,對聯合國和聯合國大廈有所瞭解,並會給別人介紹有關聯合國和聯合國大廈的相關知識。以及適當滲透文化背景和熱愛和平的情感教育。



第二遍聽第一段,回答以下幾個問題Where is the UN building? What does the UN want to do? Is China in the UN?Is China one of the first countries in the UN?聽完之後同桌討論回答問題,然後全班一起檢查答案,在檢查答案的同時,老師講解其中的新單詞和句型。如The UN wants to make peace in the world.然後給出三幅圖片,和平鴿、地球和戰爭,讓孩子們猜測peace這個單詞的意思。接着出示幾幅圖片,讓孩子們理解戰爭的血腥,世界各地人們組織的反戰遊行,人們期盼和平的美好願望,趁機對學生滲透道德教育,熱愛和平。Is China in the UN? 用兩幅圖片來幫助孩子們瞭解中國是聯合國的創始國之一。並且拓展一下知識點,例如聯合國有多少個創始國,哪些國家是創始國。這個問題有孩子當場答出來了,因爲事先佈置孩子們去查關於聯合國的資料。如果此處我能讓學生自己去交流關於聯合國的知識,用when, how many, where等特殊疑問詞來製作一個表格,讓學生來談論、交流自己所掌握的關於聯合國或聯合國大廈的信息,應該會學得更紮實。第三編聽第二段,回答以下幾個問題。What’s the UN building like ? Are there any buildings like this in China? Does Daming want to visit the UN building?在回答聯合國大廈的特點時,我出示幾張聯合國大廈的圖片,讓學生有身臨其境的感覺。回答中國有這樣的建築物時,我出示幾個中國的高大建築物,如上海世貿大廈,中央電視臺大廈,廣州國際金融大廈,讓學生簡單描述一下。在我看來,成爲自己的纔是最好的,因此當孩子們對課文非常熟悉的情況下,我讓孩子們根據本課所學重點句型,介紹聯合國和聯合國大廈。學生操練了五分鐘後,進行了很精彩的介紹,因爲時間原因只請了兩組同學進行表演,還有一些孩子期盼着上臺表演。




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