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ing-bottom: 56.25%;">託福黃金閱讀技巧:長難句分析


Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country's impressive population growth.

(倒裝結構Basic to any understanding…is…)


分句1:Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War


分句3:the country's impressive population growth

分句1,2,3共同構成倒裝句,正常的語序應該是3,2,1,即:該句的正常語序是The country's impressive population growth is basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War.



The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world's rain forests does not seem surprising,considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species.

(同位語從句fact that…;定語從句that comprise the bulk…)


分句1:The fact does not seem surprising.

分句2:that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world's rain forests

分句3:considering the huge numbers of insects

分句4:that comprise the bulk of the species

分句1中嵌套着分句2,分句2解釋說明分句1的主語the fact, 是同位語從句;分句3是主句的狀語,分句4是定語從句,修飾分句3的the huge numbers of insects


If the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held. (TPO 1 Groundwater)

託福閱讀長難句句子分析 本句由but引起了前後兩個分句,其中都有if引導的條件狀語從句,表示兩種假設的情況。讀懂這種複合句的關鍵是要迅速找到並理解其主句的謂語部分。本句主句的謂語部分有will exist , will drain away和will exist , will be firmly held。此外,兩個分句裏都有大家所熟悉的...結構,這裏都作後置定語,起修飾作用,意思是“太……以至於不能……”。

詞彙精記 ? pores指的是“孔隙”,這裏說的是“岩石的孔隙”。

? surface tension指的是“表面張力”。

? film在這裏顯然不是“電影”,表示“薄膜”,比如:a film of oil on the surface of the water 水面上的一層油。另外,film還有“膠捲”的意思,比如:develop a film 沖洗膠捲。注意film還可以作動詞,表示“拍攝”,比如:The explosion had been filmed by an amateur cameraman. 這次爆炸被一位業餘攝影師拍攝了下來。

託福閱讀長難句參考譯文 如果岩石的孔隙很大,其中的水會形成水滴,而這樣的水滴太重而足以克服吸引它的表面張力,就會流走;但是如果岩石孔隙足夠小,其中的水會形成薄膜,因爲太輕而無法克服吸引它的表面張力,從而會牢牢地附着在孔隙表面上。


Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. (TPO40, 51)

democracy /d?'m?kr?s?/ n. 民主,民主政治,民主制度

clan /kl?n/ n. 宗族,家族;集團,幫會

aristocrat /'?r?st?kr?t/ n. 貴族

civic /'s?v?k/ adj. 城市的;市民的,公民的


Cleisthenes' principal contribution (to the creation of democracy at Athens) was (to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures), (especially among the aristocrats), and (to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes), (which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. ) (TPO40, 51)



Cleisthenes' principal contribution was 非謂語 and 非謂語

第一個非謂語:(to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures)

第二個非謂語:(to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes)

修飾一:(to the creation of democracy at Athens),介詞短語


修飾二:(to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures) ,非謂語動詞


修飾三:(especially among the aristocrats) ,介詞短語


修飾四:(to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes) ,非謂語動詞


修飾五:(which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. ) ,從句







If it were not for this faculty, they would devour all the food available in short time and would probably starve themselves out of existence.



分句1. If it were not for this faculty

分句2. they would devour all the food available in short time

分句3. would probably starve themselves out of existence

分句1 是虛擬語氣的條件從句
