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Two peculiar things happened in America this week. One of these made headlines:


Donald Trump sacked James Comey as head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, just as the agency intensified investigations into the president’s dealings with Russia. It has plunged Washington into a political drama which, at best, could create months of distraction and, at worst, spark a Nixon-style crisis.

就在聯邦調查局(FBI)加緊調查唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)與俄羅斯的交易之際,這位美國總統解僱了FBI局長詹姆斯?科米(James Comey)。此事在華盛頓掀起一場政治大戲,最好的情況是可能造成幾個月的混亂,最壞情況是觸發一場尼克松式的危機。

The second peculiar event, however, was less noticed: the so-called Vix index of volatility for American stocks sank below 10, to the lowest level seen since 1993, before slightly rebounding.


Yes, you read that correctly. What the Vix now implies is that the outlook for the US economy and markets is more stable and benign than anything seen for 24 years — irrespective of missile threats from North Korea, dangers of China’s debt bubble, uncertainty around European populism — and this week’s speculation about Mr Trump.


And while the Vix index is not a perfect barometer, since it can be distorted by opaque trades, what is equally striking is that other market indicators also signal calm. US equity prices are high and have not budged in response to these dramas. Credit markets are frothy. Indeed, confidence in future stability seems so high that Bridgewater, the hedge fund, is telling clients it is seeing an explosion in the “carry trade”, or a situation where investors borrow cheaply to invest in riskier assets.


How to explain this juxtaposition? One, cynical, explanation might be that investors, unlike journalists, simply don’t care about politics. The US economy has been expanding for eight years and groups such as the International Monetary Fund predict healthy global growth this year. And though the Federal Reserve is tightening, the Bank of Japan and European Central Bank are still injecting huge liquidity into the market. This, rather than any Trump reform agenda, keeps supporting asset prices; or so the argument goes.


A second explanation, however, is that politics does matter but investors think that the present political administration has two faces. One of these faces is dominated by the president as reality-television star, who grabbed the headlines this week by telling Mr Comey in effect, “You’re Fired!”, and subsequently embarked on a Twitter rage against his opponents.


The second face is the sensible part of his senior team, which includes respected figures such as Rex Tillerson, Lieutenant General HR McMaster and General James Mattis (on the foreign policy side) and Gary Cohn, Steven Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross (on economic policy). These men appear to embrace a sober foreign policy stance and Reagan-style agenda of tax cuts, infrastructure plans and deregulation. It is the latter that has investors excited, since they think the “sensible” face will outlive the crazy dramas.

第二張面孔是他的高級團隊中的理性成員,外交政策方面有雷克斯?蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)、陸軍中將赫伯特?雷蒙德?麥克馬斯特(HR McMaster)和詹姆斯?馬蒂斯(James Mattis)將軍,經濟政策方面有加里?科恩(Gary Cohn)、史蒂文?姆努欽(Steven Mnuchin)和威爾伯?羅斯(Wilbur Ross),都是受人尊敬的人物。這些人看來採取了一種冷靜理性的外交政策立場,以及里根式的減稅、基建和放鬆監管議程。正是後一方面讓投資者感到興奮,因爲他們認爲,瘋狂鬧劇收場後,這副“理性的”面孔還會繼續存在。

Investors know that there is also a danger that Mr Trump’s Russia scandals prove so distracting that Congress never gets a chance to discuss tax reform or healthcare. But optimists around the White House insist that work on the reform agenda is proceeding apace; some believe that the scandals might make congressional Republicans more — not less — determined to pass some economic reform bills; after all, they will need some good news to campaign on in the next midterm elections.


There is, however, a third, more alarming, way to interpret the Vix: investors are dangerously complacent about (geo) political risks. More specifically, one way to frame the situation is that markets have stealthily slipped into a “normalisation of deviance” pattern, to use the phrase coined by sociologist Diane Vaughan: so many political boundaries and precedents have been broken that investors have lost perspective on events, because the bizarre seems almost normal.

然而,對於Vix指數當前水平還有第三種、也更令人擔憂的解讀:投資者對(地緣)政治風險滿不在乎,這是很危險的。更具體講,對當前形勢的一種解讀是,市場已悄悄地落入了一種“異常現象正常化”模式,這是社會學家黛安?沃恩(Diane Vaughan)創造的詞語。在這種模式下,太多政治邊界和先例被打破,以致投資者看不透局勢,因爲奇怪行爲幾乎成了正常的事情。

After all, Mr Comey’s removal is no usual political blood-letting: it overturns the time-honoured principle that presidents do not fire the people investigating them, or attack independent bodies. If this is undermined, America’s political economy looks more like an emerging market than western democracy: rule of law is supposed to be a bedrock of America’s political culture (and its capital markets).


Most senior Republicans would dismiss this interpretation of events as alarmist. I still think that there is a reasonable chance that the antics of Trump-the-Reality-Television-President will be reined in by the judiciary and more sensible aides. But the longer the Vix stays low, the more peculiar the juxtaposition between markets and politics seems to be; and, of course, the greater the risk of a future snapback.
