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Statement by the President on the Lunar New Year

ing-bottom: 66.56%;">奧巴馬農曆兔年新年賀詞

I send my best wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world.

As people of all cultures and faiths welcome in the new year, let all of us celebrate our families and our ancestors, and enjoy the company of our loved ones. Across America, in large cities and in small towns, many will mark this occasion with festive celebrations. Many Americans of Asian descent will carry on the rich traditions of their heritage, reminding us again that America’s strength comes from the richness of our cultures and the diversity of our people.

I wish all who celebrate the new year peace, prosperity and good health.

爲什麼奧巴馬不說The Year Of The Rabbit?

奧巴馬的這篇祝詞很簡單,向亞裔美國人民、太平洋島民以及美國和全世界所有慶祝陰曆新年的人們致以最親切的祝願。總共只有5句話120個單詞,其中並沒有直接提到“中國新年”(Chinese New Year),或者“華人”(Chinese),也沒有提到“兔年”(Year of Rabbit)。美國人講究“政治正確”,不提“中國新年”是可以理解的,是因爲除了中國以外,在2月3日慶祝新年的還有韓國、朝鮮、越南、新加坡以及其他東南亞、太平洋地區的一些國家。

那麼,爲什麼奧巴馬連“兔年”也沒有提到呢?這個原因也很簡單,因爲奧巴馬所說的“亞裔美國人民、太平洋島民以及美國和全世界所有慶祝陰曆新年的人們”中雖然都在炮竹聲中送走了虎年,但是新年鐘聲過後迎來的並不都是兔年。在春節前夕,路透社發表了題爲“A purr-fect New Year: Vietnam fetes Year of the Cat”的報道,原來在越南今年是貓年,而不是兔年。

也就是這個原因,奧巴馬不僅不提“中國新年”,也沒有提“兔”年。所以,越南人也可以在報紙上登這樣的標題:“奧巴馬發表聲明祝賀貓年新年向全球越南人表達祝福”、韓國人更可以說“奧巴馬發表聲明祝賀兔年新年向全球韓國人表達祝福”了。(注:以上講解來自翟華的博客 東方文化西方語)