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和起牀有關的種種表達 跟學口語

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padding-bottom: 75.32%;">和起牀有關的種種表達--跟學口語

1. 該起牀了!
It's time to get up! / It's time to wake up!
It's time to get out of bed.
It's time to get ready.

2. 快點兒起牀!
Get up soon.

3. 我真不想起。
I don't wanna get up. / I don't want to.

和起牀有關的種種表達--跟學口語 第2張

4. 你醒了嗎?
Are you awake?

5. 我剛醒。
I am now.

6. 鬧鐘響了嗎?
Did the alarm clock go off?
Did the alarm clock buzz?
Did the alarm clock ring?

7. 能幫我關掉鬧鐘嗎?
Would you turn off the alarm clock?

和起牀有關的種種表達--跟學口語 第3張

8. 請把鬧鐘關了。
Please turn off the alarm clock.

9. 你終於起來了。
You finally got up.

10. 我還困着呢!
I'm still sleepy. / I'm still drowsy.

11. 我還打哈欠呢。
I'm still yawning.

12. 我是個夜貓子。
I'm a night person.

13. 我可不是。我喜歡早起
I'm not. I'm a morning person.