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ing-bottom: 80.63%;">高考常見的定語從句四大類型彙總

(1)考查whose 引導的定語從句
此時要注意三點:(1) whose 引導的定語從句,其後應緊跟名詞,構成“whose+名詞”;(2) whose 引導的定語從句,其先行詞不僅可以指人,還可以指物;(3) whose 引導的定語從句指物時,可用 of which 代替whose,但詞序不同,即whose+名詞=the +名詞+of which。如:
1. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _________ effects the people are still suffering. (天津卷)
A. that               B. whose             C. those               D. what
2. George Orwell, _________was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (北京卷)
A. the real name                             B. what his real name
C. his real name                             D. whose real name
1. The film brought the hours back to me _________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village. (全國卷)
A. until               B. that                C. when              D. where
2. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _________ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup. (北京春季卷)
A. that                B. while             C. which             D. when
解析:第1題選C,先行詞是the hours,back to me 是插入先行詞與定語從句之間的干擾成分;第2題選D,定語從句修飾的先行詞是an exciting moment。

1.—Why does she always ask you for help?
—There is no one else _________, is there? (北京卷)
A. who to turn to              B. she can turn to
C. for whom to turn          D. for her to turn
解析:此題答案選B,先行詞是no one else,she can turn to前省略了作賓語的關係代詞whom或who。值得注意的是,本句還可以寫成to whom she can turn。
2. What surprised me was not what he said but _________ he said it. (年湖北卷)
A. the way                       B. in the way that
C. in the way                   D. the way which
解析:此題答案選A,考查the way後接定語從句的用法。the way後接定語從句有三種用法:(1) 用in which引導;(2) 用that引導;(3) 省略關係詞。此題屬於第三種用法。
1. He is the only one of the students who _________ a winner of scholarship for three years. (上海春季卷)
A. is                   B. are            C. have been        D. has been
解析:此題形式上好像只是考查主謂一致和時態的運用,實際上關鍵是確定先行詞。代詞one前是否有定冠詞決定定語從句中的謂語動詞的單複數形式,one of the students中的先行詞是the students,定語從句的謂語動詞要用複數形式;但此處the only one of the students中的先行詞是the only one,所以定語從句中的謂語動詞要用單數形式。而且句子中因爲有狀語for three years,要用現在完成時,所以綜合判斷後答案只能是D。
2. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _________ I will always treasure. (全國卷)
A. that                 B. one                  C. it                     D. what
解析:答案選B。題中的one是an unforgettable moment的同位語,同時也是先行詞,其後就是一個定語從句,I always treasure前省略了作賓語的關係代詞that,treasure在這裏是及物動詞,意思是“銘記,珍藏”。

以上就是這次爲大家帶來的內容了,大家都掌握了嗎? 這些都是從歷年高考中收集來的常見考點,大家一定要銘記在心,但不僅僅是記住題目,而是牢牢掌握知識點,希望這次的內容能爲備考的大家帶來幫助。