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5 Strength Moves That Burn Fat Fast

The secret to slimming down isn't adding more cardio -- it's serious strength training! Rev up your metabolism and burn more calories around the clock with this muscle-making circuit.

How it works: Perform each exercise back-to-back, resting 30 to 45 seconds between moves as needed. Complete three circuits total.

You will need: Free weights, medicine ball


1. Med-Ball Plank

1. 健身球支起身體

Sets: 3,Reps: 45 seconds

Begin in plank position with hands balancing on top of a medicine ball. Keep abs drawn into spine and think about pressing chest away from the ball with strong arms as you hold the position. (Place feet wider apart to make the move easier; add a challenge by moving them closer together.)

5招力量鍛鍊——燃燒脂肪,方便又快速 第2張

2. Long-Lunge Row
2. 身體前驅劃手臂

Sets: 3,Reps: 10

A: Begin in a wide split stance with right leg forward and left heel lifted, both legs straight, holding dumbbells. Bend right knee, reaching dumbbells toward the floor on either side of right leg, hinging forward from hips and keeping spine naturally straight and abs engaged.
A:以兩腿分開的姿勢開始,右腿向前,左腳後跟擡起來,兩腿伸直,手拿啞鈴。彎曲右膝,將兩邊手中的啞鈴靠近地面,身體以臀部爲基點向前, 脊椎自然挺直,腹部肌肉用力。

B: Extend right leg as arms row behind body, bending elbows and pulling weights in by sides and keeping torso slightly hinged forward (body should make a diagonal line from left heel to head). Complete the prescribed number of reps on each side.

5招力量鍛鍊——燃燒脂肪,方便又快速 第3張


. Pushup To Side Plank

3. 俯臥撐到單邊側撐

Sets: 3,Reps: 10

A: Begin in pushup position with feet together, hands slightly wider than shoulders. Bend elbows, lowering chest as close to the floor as possible, maintaining a straight line from heels to head.

B: As arms extend, rotate body into a right side plank, drawing abs in tight, stacking hips and heels and reaching right arm up to ceiling. Return to pushup position and repeat, alternating sides.

5招力量鍛鍊——燃燒脂肪,方便又快速 第4張


. Alternating Press March
4. 交替伸展運動

Sets: 3,Reps: 20

A: Stand with feet together holding a dumbbell in front of chest with both hands.

B: Engage abs and grasp dumbbell with right hand, pressing right arm overhead as left knee lifts in front of hip and left arm lowers by side. Balance for one count, return to start. Repeat on opposite side. That's one rep.

5招力量鍛鍊——燃燒脂肪,方便又快速 第5張


. Med-Ball Slams
5. 猛扔健身球

Sets: 3,Reps: 10

A: Stand with feet wide holding a medicine ball. Engage abs and swing ball overhead in preparation for slam.

B: Explosively slam medicine ball to the floor, throwing the ball down and lowering into a squat. Try to catch the ball as it bounces back up, extending legs. Immediately return to start.

5招力量鍛鍊——燃燒脂肪,方便又快速 第6張