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【中考英語語法彙總】句子的種類 同步練習

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ing-bottom: 100%;">【中考英語語法彙總】句子的種類 同步練習

1. My mother has sports on Friday afternoon.改成否定句

2. There are some books and computers on the desks.改成否定句

's seldom late for school__________?
A. hasn't he 't he he he 

4. Let's take a walk outside,_______?
A. don't we you l we we

5.I don't think he has to go,_________?
A. do I he 't he he

6. ____________do you prefer, rice or noodles?
A. What h

7. Mrs Black came to China             .
Mrs Black has been in China              . 

8._________important news is to everybody in a modem city!
A. What an an 

9. A:____is it from our school to the museum? 
B:About 20 minutes' walk.
A. How long fast far soon 

10. A:____does Peter weigh now?
B:44 kilos.
A. How heavy B,How much

other doesn't have sports on Friday afternoon.
【解析】 這類句子中的has並不是表示“有”的意思,而是“have spoils”這個詞組中的行爲動詞,表示“進行體育活動”的意思。所以在改成否定句時,應加助動詞does來進行否定。需要注意的是,在用了助動詞之後,行爲動詞就必須用原形。此類詞組還有have lunch, have a class, have a good time等。

e aren't any books or computers on the desks.
或:There are no books or computers on the desks.
There are no books and no computers on the desks.
【解析】 在把上述這類肯定句改成否定句時,同學們能夠把some改成any,但往往會忘記把and改成or。

3. 【解析】 此句答案爲D。在反意疑問句中要注意前半句用肯定,反意疑問句則用否定形式,前半句爲否定,反意疑問句要用肯定形式。此句中seldom表示否定"很少”,這樣看來 A、B答案不正確。而由於be late for是習慣用語,所以選D。另外,表示否定的此類副詞還有little,few,never,hardly等。

4. 【解析】答案選C。祈使句的反意疑問句,一般都用will you,只有Let's開頭的句子才用shall we。如:
Open the door please, will you?
Don't open the door, will you?
Let us discuss it,will you?
Let's discuss it,shall we?

5.【解析】 答案選D。在主句I think( believe)...+賓語從句的反意疑問句時,後半句疑問部分中的動詞和主語應該和賓語從句中的動詞和主語保持一致,如果主句肯定,反意部分用否定。如果主句否定,反意部分則用肯定。而此句的從句爲has to結構,它的否定是助動詞does結構,所以選D。


7.【解析】 這兩句句子放在一起作爲劃線提問有一定的針對性。第一句表達過去某時間布萊克先生來中國,因此提問詞應用When。而第二句表達自1980年到現在爲止,布萊克先生一直呆在中國,其側重點在於很長時間了,因此提問詞應用How long。

News is very important to everybody in a modem city.

9.【解析】答案選C。這道題問的是學校到博物館之間的距離有多遠,所以選C。how long表達多長。How fast表達速度多快。How soon表達時間多久,多用於將來時態。

10.【解析】 答案選C。在表達人或物有多重時有如下三種方式:(1) How much does it weigh? (2) How heavy is it? (3) What's the weight of it?因此本題選C。