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May I speak to Li Shan, please英語教案及反思

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設計一個好英語教案,是每個小學英語教師必做的功課,下面本站小編爲大家帶來May I speak to Li Shan, please英語教案及反思,供各位老師參考!

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  May I speak to Li Shan, please英語教案:





③繼續學習句型May I„?




1.會說會用會拼單詞speak, send presents, flowers, Teachers’ Day

2.會說會用常用電話用語 May I speak to„, please? This is „ speaking.

Today is Teachers’ Day.

Let’s send a present to our teacher.

What about some beautiful flowers?


讓學生能夠理解在電話中進行自我介紹時,要用“This is„’或者 “That is „”來指代自己和對方。




1. 觀察圖形,加強印象,學習單詞。

2. 靈活運用遊戲,提高學生學習的興趣。

3. 聽錄音,全面培養聽、說、讀、寫的能力。




一、熱身(Warming up)


A: Good morning.

B: Good morning.

A: May I speak to C, please?

B: Sorry, he’s not available. He is on the conference. May I take a message?

A: Yes, please. Can you ask him to call me when he finishes?

B: Sure. Thanks. A: You are welcome.

二、新課展示(New Presentation)


Hello! May I speak to „,please?

1、教師在教室裏隨便拿起學生的文具或其他東西,問學生: May I use your bookpencilruler? 學生能夠準確回答: Yes, please.

然後由學生之間進行互問互答,老師引導學生向朋友借用手機,引導學生 “ May I speak to„?” 教師出示兩個人談話的圖片,教授單詞“speak”, 尤其是單詞的發音,字母 ea |i:| . 教師在教授單詞的過程中,可以把意義相近的talk, speak, say一起進行區分。

talk:表示和某人進行談話,比較隨便。 speak: 比較正式的說法。 say: 一般指向別人闡述自己的觀點。 在打電話時,要和某人說話,我們一般要說成 speak to somebody。

2、Hello! This is „ speaking. Is that „speaking?

Yes. This is „ speaking.

教師先向同學們解釋中國人和外國人打電話時的不同。中國人在打電話時通常會介紹: 我是„ 你是„ 嗎? 但是外國人不一樣,他們不會在電話裏說 I’m „ Are you „? 因爲這樣給人的感覺是 不太禮貌。

外國人通常用 “This is„ speaking” “Is that „ speaking?”

在學生了解了這些知識後,教師可以組織學生去玩一個接龍的遊戲。教師將全班同學分成兩組,玩打電話的遊戲,第一組的一個同學拿起玩具電話和選擇第二組的一個同學進行對話: Hello! This is „ speaking. May I speak to „? 被選到的同學必須迅速站起來接上對話: Hello! This is „ speaking. 然後再往下面進行。如果有人接不上對話或是反應不上來,就要爲他們的組扣上一分。


3、Teachers’ Day

教師拿出一個日曆,問學生: What’s this? 學生回答:It’s a calender. 教師指着上面的9月10日的日期,問學生: What’s the date? 引導學生說出日期: It’s September 10th. 教師繼續詢問: Do you know what day it is today? It’s Teachers’ Day. 今天是教師節。


兒童節 Children’ s Day

母親節 Mother’s Day

感恩節 Thanks Giving day

婦女節 Women’s Day „

4、Let’s send our teacher a present.

教師出示學生向老師送鮮花的圖片,教授單詞 ‘send’ (送,寄) 教師在黑板上寫出短語 send somebody something. 教師可以引導學生說出更多的短語

send you a present (送你一份禮物)

send her some flowers (送她一些花)

send him a birthday card (送他一張生日賀卡)

Let’s send her some flowers. Let’s send him a birthday card.

句型 “Let’s „”的句型,此句型常用來表示 “提議”,跟動詞原形連用表示“讓我們幹什麼事情”。


Let’s sing together.

Let’s begin now.

Let’s go.


1、操練句型May I speak to„? This is „speaking. 這個環節的句型操練可以繼續用前面的遊戲,可以把學生分成男生和女生兩組。

2、操練句型 Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. Let’s send our teacher a present. 這個環節可以進行句子大比拼

Tomorrow is Chilren’s Day. Let’s sing and dance.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Let’s send our mothers some flowers.

Tomorrow is Thanks Giving day. Let’s say ‘thank you’to all our friends.

3、播放錄音 listen and read ,聽並且跟讀。

4、Let’s practise(Ⅰ)

A:Generally speaking, in this exercise we should according to the following orders:



(3)talking about the affairs






B:Hello! Is that Linda speaking?

A:Yes. Who’s that?

B:Zhao Yu speaking. Miss White is ill in bed. Let’s go to see her tomorrow afternoon.

A:OK. Shall we send her some flowers?

B:Good idea! See you tomorrow.

A:See you.

5、Let’s practise(Ⅱ)

A:This is an English joke. Here ‘what’and ‘Watt’has the same sound. So does ‘Knott’and ‘not’。 As a result both of the men misunderstand each other. For reading this joke, we can further review the special expression when we phone others.

這是一個英文故事,在這個故事裏,‘what’和‘Watt’有一樣的發音,同樣‘Knott’和 ‘not’也是。結果導致兩個人都互相誤解對方了。



  May I speak to Li Shan, please教學反思:


May I speak to Li Shan, please英語教案及反思


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