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Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 對比政治領袖,藝術家的工作可以使社會更加受益,是否認同? (2013年9月28日北美)





首段:背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作家立場






尾段:再次亮明觀點 + (總結理由)



1. 政治家爲民選領袖,其職責就是要穩定社會,繁榮經濟,健全法制,從而,使得人們安居樂業。傑出的政治領袖爲國家的強大注入新鮮活力,增強國家在國際舞臺中的競爭力,因此,其作用是任何社會精英無法比擬的。例如,美國總統克林頓,其國內經濟政策使美國經濟持續發展,人們生活水平日益提高,創造了8年克林頓經濟的奇蹟。

2. 這個爭議使我想起另外一個偉大的美國總統林肯。他領導了對南方奴隸制度的戰爭,頒佈了《解放黑奴宣言》,維護了聯邦統一,爲美國在19世紀後期躍居世界頭號工業強國開闢了道路,使美國進入了經濟發展的黃金時代,被稱爲“偉大的解放者”。其在逆境中不屈不撓,帶領着民族向恢復國家統一和黑奴解放的偉大目標前進,因此,優秀政治領袖的貢獻,更是藝術家無法比擬的。




1. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not the value of artists is superior to the counterpart of political leaders. 也許沒有什麼像是否藝術家的價值優越於政治領袖的價值一樣引起人們無休止的爭議。

點評:引導爭議焦點的高分句型,避免寫作 some people think …… while some people think that ……

2. As I see it,eminent politicians have greater contribution to make for the good of the community,even though the work of artists can never be underrated. 我認爲,儘管藝術家工作不能被低估,傑出政治家的可以爲社會福利做出更大的貢獻。

解析:the good of the community n 社會福利

解析:sth can never be underrated ……不能被低估

拓展:underrate = underestimate = undervalue v 低估

拓展:as I see it = personally speaking = to voice my opinion 我認爲

3. In comparison with the devotion of the artists,political leaders will,to a large extent,exert a far more profound influence on the happiness index of the citizens and the further development of a nation. 對比藝術的貢獻,政治領袖,在更大程度上,對於人們幸福指數的提高和國家的未來的發展有更加深遠的影響。


解析:exert a far more profound influence on …… 對於……有更加深遠的影響

4. A far-sighted and smart leader can greatly prosper the economy, which will create more job chances for the citizens. As a result, a nation will have more financial budget to reduce housing shortage, bettering medical service and even popularizing free education. 一個有眼光的聰明的政治家可以極大地有助於經濟的發展,因此,可以創造更多就業機會。因此,一個國家就會有更多的財政預算去緩解住房短缺,改善醫療以及普及免費的教育。


5. As the elective leaders,the obligations of politicians are to stabilize the society prosper the economy,optimize the law system and thus to make the citizens live and work in peace and contentment. 政治家爲民選領袖,其職責就是要穩定社會,繁榮經濟,健全法制,從而,使得人們安居樂業。

解析:live and work in peace and contentment v安居樂於

6. The endeavors of extraordinary leaders can inject new vitality into the further mightiness of a country and then enhance a nation’s competiveness in the international area. In this sense, their roles can be matchless no matter how great contribution those social elites can make. 傑出的政治領袖爲國家的強大注入新鮮活力,增強國家在國際舞臺中的競爭力,因此,其作用是任何社會精英無法比擬的。

解析:inject new vitality into the further mightiness of a country v爲國家的強大注入新鮮活力

解析:enhance a nation’s competiveness in the international area v提高國家在國際舞臺的競爭力

解析:how great contribution those social elites can make. 無論社會精英做出多麼大的社會貢獻

7. This debate reminds me an prominent American president, Lincoln. What he did ensured the unity of the USA and avoid the segregation of the great nation爭議使得我想起了卓越的美國的總統林肯。他的努力確保了美國的統一,避免了這個國家的分裂。

8. He successfully led the great war against the Southern slavery system 他領導了對南方奴隸制度的戰爭

9. The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.《解放黑奴宣言》廢除了美國的奴隸制。

解析:e (一個)+ man(男人)+ cip(拿)+ ate(吃)= emancipate v 解放(正式的表達)


10. This momentous decree successfully safeguarded the integrity of the USA,which paved the way for American industrial superpower in the late 19 th century. 這一個意義深遠的法令維護了聯邦統一。爲美國在19世紀後期躍居世界頭號工業強國開闢了道路。

11. Hence, America has entered a golden time in terms of economic development. 因此,美國進入了經濟發展的黃金時代。

解析:in terms of 就……而言,在……方面

12. Lincoln remained tenacious even in time of adversity,he led his nation and people to make headway for a glorious aim of reuniting the nation and emancipating the slaves. 在逆境中他不屈不撓,帶領着民族向恢復國家統一和黑奴解放的偉大目標前進。

解析:lead sb to do sth v 領導某人去做……

解析:even in time of adversity 即使身處逆境

解析:remained tenacious v保持堅韌頑強

解析:make headway for …… 向着……前進


13. The contribution and efforts of various artists will enhance its citizens’ national pride. 藝術家的貢獻和努力可以增強國民的民族自豪感。



calligraphy n書法

Beijing opera n京劇

marital art n武術

14 Various works of art can be considered as nation’s belief, which could strengthen a country’s cohesion. 各類藝術作品可以成爲一個民族的信仰,增強民族凝集力。


15. The devotion of the artists could bring about immense commercial value, by that I mean, the efforts of different artists could be beneficial to the nation’s economy be means of creating music, making films and attracting tourists. 藝術家的貢獻可以帶來巨大的經濟價值,換言之,各類藝術家的努力有助於經濟的發展,藝術家們可以創造音樂,拍攝電影,吸引遊客。

拓展:enrich people’s spiritual life v豐富人們的精神生活

16. An exhibition of works of art could not only provide visitors with visual enjoyment but also cultivate their artistic taste and enlighten their wisdom 藝術品展覽不僅可以給參觀者提供視覺享受,還可以培養他們的藝術美感,啓迪他們的智慧。

解析:…… can provide sb with visual enjoyment v 可以給……提供視覺享受(推薦背誦)

拓展:works of art = artwork n藝術品

17. Conversely, no matter how exquisite the artwork might be, they can only be kind of visual enjoyment, which is a luxury for many people who live in poverty. 相反的是,無論藝術家的工作多麼的精湛,藝術品僅僅是視覺享受,對於貧困的人而言,是一種奢侈。

18. In closing , the pubic will benefit more from the successful political leaders rather than artists. 公衆們可以從成功的政治領袖中獲益更多,而不是藝術家。


解析:尾段的寫作策略:再次亮明觀點 + (總結理由)



Do you agree or disagree with the way a person dressed is a good indication of his/her personality or character? 一個人衣裝可以反映其個性,是否認同?(2013年6月15日)


楊瀾說:“作爲女人,你必須精緻。這是女人的尊嚴。” 是的,沒有人有義務必須透過連你自己都毫不在意的邋遢外表去發現你優秀的內在,可見服飾對個人的意義。你,能夠給他人留下第一印象的機會只有一次,第一印象永遠在那裏。然而,成大事不拘小節。“靜水流深”說的是“人不可以貌相。”一個人的美麗外表固然重要,但其內在才華、氣質和品格不是可以一眼洞察的,要日久見人心。


不能簡單認爲一個人的服裝可以完全反映其個性。第一印象有時是有誤導性的, 經過長期的觀察去判斷一個人纔是值得推薦的。


① 激情性格的人喜歡穿時尚豔麗的服裝,然而,安靜性格的人喜歡穿樸素淺色的服裝。人們通常認爲衣裝整潔者是值得尊敬和彬彬有禮的。




首段:背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作家立場


三段:第一次反駁原題觀點 + 細節展開

四段:第二次反駁原題觀點 + 細節展開

尾段:再次亮明觀點 + (總結理由)


【首段】爭議焦點+ 爭議焦點 + 作家立場

Fine feather makes fine birds,which means that a well-dressed people never fails to leave the fondest impression on people around him or her. Some people assert that a person’s personality can be indicated by how he or she dresses. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not a person’s character could be perfectly reflected by his or her appearance. As I see it, even though what one wears can convey some information about his or her character, a man must not be judged by his appearance.


1. Fine feather makes fine birds. 人靠衣裝,美靠靚裝。

2. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not …… 也許沒有什麼像 …… 一樣引起人們無休止的爭議

3. As I see it, even though what one wears can convey some information about his or her character, a man must not be judged by his appearance. 我認爲,即使人的衣裝可以傳遞一些關於其個性的信息,但是,人不可以貌相。


Indeed, I have to concede that a neat appearance is an embodiment of a person’s qualities and personalities. For example, a passionate person tends to wear trendy and bright-colored clothes. Conversely, a quiet person likes to wear simple and light-colored clothes. Another positive aspect is that a well-dressed person is, in most cases, a respectable and well-mannered person,then,it will make people around him feel at ease, therefore, he is,in most people’s eyes,easy to associate and communicate with.


1. Indeed, I have to concede that …… 的確,我不能不承認的是……

2. A passionate person tends to wear trendy and bright-colored clothes 激情性格的人喜歡穿時尚豔麗的服裝。

3. A quiet person likes to wear simple and light-colored clothes. 安靜性格的人喜歡穿樸素淺色的服裝。

4. A well-dressed person is, in most cases, a respectable and well-mannered person 人們通常認爲衣裝整潔者是值得尊敬和彬彬有禮的。

5. is easy to associate and communicate with v 很容易和其交流和交往


Notwithstanding all that, we have to remember the old saying that we can never judge a book by its cover, so does the person. Some people have to dress the uniform when they embark on work, in this case, it seems that they look like conservative individuals, whereas they have distinct personalities, some are extraverted while others are introverted. Moreover, a person who is impoverished may fail to afford up-market clothes with his limited money, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a benevolent person. More precisely, he may be more humane and tender-hearted than a gentleman who looks graceful.


1. We can never judge a book by its cover. 人不可以貌相

2. Whereas they have distinct personalities. 然而,他們擁有截然不同的個性。

3. up-market clothes n高檔的服裝

4. A person who is impoverished may fail to afford up-market clothes with his limited money, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a benevolent person. 貧困者可能消費不起高檔服飾,但是,這不會影響他是一個善良的人。

5. He may be more humane and tender-hearted than a gentleman who looks graceful. 他也許比看起來優雅的紳士更加仁慈和善良。


Another convincing argument could also be easily explored. Most superstars seem to be very passionate and enthusiastic when they are presenting a performance in public, virtually, they are not all that kind of people. Some of them actually are quiet people who love to be in a silent atmosphere and live a simple life. So, appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or her personality.


1. Most superstars seem to be very passionate and enthusiastic. 大部分的影星看起來都是激情四射和熱情洋溢的。

2. The appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or her personality. 個人的外表並非總能反映其性格。


In the final analysis, my stand is that a person’s personality cannot be merely judged by his or her outlooks. The initial impression sometimes might be misleading, it is highly recommended to judge a person after long period of observation.


1. The initial impression sometimes might be misleading. 第一印象有時候是有誤導性的。

2. It is highly recommended to judge a person after long period of observation. 經過長期的觀察去判斷一個人纔是值得推薦的。



Talented people’s leadership is born naturally and can’t be learned by people. 領導力爲天生,不可後天培養,是否認同? (2012年2月11日)











1. 教育應該基於一種理念,任何人無論其天賦如何,都可以經過後天的努力以及優秀的指導學習到各種技能,當然,這種技能也包括了領導能力。

2. 毛主席說:要在戰鬥中學會戰鬥。因此,實踐對於人的能力的培養起到關鍵作用,生活的例證很多,例如,很多企業精英都有在校園期間做社團領袖的經歷。




1. a charismatic leader n一個充滿魅力的領袖

解析:charisma n領導魅力

拓展:charismatic adj有魅力的

2. entrepreneurship n企業家能力

解析:entrepreneur(企業家)+ ship(名詞尾綴,表示“關係”)= entrepreneurship n企業家能力

3. extraordinary leadership n非凡的領導力

拓展:prominent = eminent = extraordinary adj非凡的;傑出的

4. People’s leadership is in-born, which could not be acquired no matter how diligent one might be 領導力是天生的,無論一個人多麼勤奮,領導力都是不能被後天培養的。

拓展:in-born = innate adj 天生的

5. The connotation of outstanding leadership may include a number of elements such as future-mindedness,crisis-solving ability,decision-making competence and so on. 領導力的能力包含很多元素,例如前瞻性,危機處理能力,自我決策能力等等。

拓展:connotation = meaning n 內涵

6. Innate talents have a major part to play in the entire development of one’s leadership. 在個人領導力全面發展的過程中,與生俱來的天賦發揮了重要作用。

解析:have a major part to play in = have a key role to play in v在……發揮重要作用

7. Perfect education should be based on such a belief that all people can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with leadership 完美的教育應該基於如下理念:所有人都可通過教育,學習不同的技能,包括和領導力相關的技能。

解析:Perfect education should be based on such a belief that …… 完美的教育應該基於如下的理念

8. From our real life, it is easy to find plenty of evidence to support the view that many successful business leaders climbed the promotional and financial ladder from the bottom by constantly learning how to be good leaders. 生活中可以找到很多的例證,許多的成功的企業領袖,不斷學習如何做領袖, 從底層奮鬥,攀升事業和財富的階梯。

解析:by constantly learning how to be good leaders. 通過不斷地學習如何做領袖

9. Some extremely gifted leaders cannot be taught, no matter how excellent the teacher or how industrious the person might be. 傑出的領袖不可教,無論老師多麼優秀,個人多麼勤奮。

拓展:industrious = diligent = hard-working adj 勤奮的


10. Some people might have leadership-related talents that are probably inherited via their genes. 有些人通過基因的遺傳獲得了和領導力相關的才華。

解析:inherit v遺傳

拓展:via = by = by means of prep通過……

11. Less talented people can never manage to reach such a high level. 沒有天賦的人永遠沒有辦法達到如此高的水平。

12. A less brilliant people stand few chances of becoming an efficient leaders simply by learning. 平凡人僅僅通過後天學習很少有機會成爲高效領袖。

解析:efficient leaders n高效領袖

13. Every individual can acquire relevant capacities in terms of acting as an eminent leader with guided practice and continued endeavors. 任何人都可以通過指導性的練習和持續的努力學習如何到做好領袖的相關技能。

解析:continued endeavors n 持續的努力

14. Admirable leaders can be cultivated. If one has the determination and tenacity, he or she can become an effective leader by means of honest hard work 領袖是可以學習去做的,如果一個人有決定以及堅韌,通過誠實的努力,人是可以成爲高效領袖。

解析:admirable leaders n 令人欽佩的領袖


15. Outstanding leadership can be tapped and nurtured via a never-ending process of self-improvement, fine education, assiduous training, and rich experiences. 通過不斷的學習,教育,訓練,實踐的過程,領導力是可以被培養的。
