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How many iPhones will Apple sell in China?

It's tempting to multiply China's 700 million mobile phone users by a percentage pulled out of a hat, and now that China Unicom has announced its deal with Apple (AAPL), everybody seems to be doing it.

padding-bottom: 177.78%;">[科技前沿]蘋果將在中國售出多少部iPhone?

Result: Published estimates of how many iPhones Apple will sell in China next year that range from a low of 1 million to a high of 14 million. Here are the numbers we've seen:

• UBS analyst Maynard Um: 1 million in fiscal 2010

• Sanford Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi: 2.9 million by end of 2011

• Standard & Poor’s Clyde Montevirgen: 4 million in calendar 2010

• Susquehana Financial's Jeffrey Fidicaro: 2 million to 5 million

• Broadpoint AmTech's Brian Marshall: 5 million to 7 million in 2010

• iPhonAsia's Dan Butterfield: 14 million in the first year of sales

Everybody's guessing, of course, since China Unicom hasn't even announced its pricing or its terms. Meanwhile, Susquehana's Fidicaro offers investors this handy formula: For every additional 1 million phones Apple sells next year, you can add 18 to 20 cents to the company's earnings per share.

The Street currently expects Apple to earn $5.84 a share in fiscal 2009 and $6.79 a share in 2010, according to Thomson Financial.

將中國7億手機用戶數乘以一個假設的百分比是件極具誘惑力的事情,既然中國聯通(China Unicom)已經宣佈與蘋果(Apple)的交易,人們似乎都在這麼幹。


• 瑞銀集團(UBS)分析師梅納德•烏姆(Maynard Um):在2010財年售出100萬部

• 桑弗德•伯恩斯坦(Sanford Bernstein)的託尼•薩科納吉(Toni Sacconaghi):截至2011年底售出290萬部

• 標準普爾(Standard & Poor)的克萊德•蒙特維根(Clyde Montevirgen):在2010年售出400萬部

• Susquehana Financial的傑佛瑞•斐迪卡諾(Jeffrey Fidicaro):200萬到500萬部

• Broadpoint AmTech的布萊恩•馬歇爾(Brian Marshall):在2010年售出500萬到700萬部

• iPhonAsia的丹•巴特菲爾德(Dan Butterfield):在上市第一年售出1400萬部


據湯姆森金融公司(Thomson Financial)稱,華爾街目前預期蘋果2009財年每股收益爲5.84美元,而2010年每股收益爲6.79美元。