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DONETSK, Ukraine — The campaign billboards in this city suggested a tight race between Aleksandr Zakharchenko and Aleksandr Zakharchenko.

烏克蘭頓涅茨克——從這座城市的競選廣告牌來看,亞歷山大·扎哈爾琴科(Aleksandr Zakharchenko)與亞歷山大·扎哈爾琴科(Aleksandr Zakharchenko)勢均力敵。

As voters in rebel-held areas of Ukraine went to the polls on Sunday, in defiance of the central government, the European Union and the United States, the only visible campaign advertising in Donetsk was in support of the current separatist leader, Mr. Zakharchenko, who is, not surprisingly, expected to win.


Rather than offering a range of plausible opposition candidates, the voting for members of Parliament and heads of state in Donetsk and the other breakaway region of eastern Ukraine, Luhansk, was significant for highlighting Ukraine's loss of control over these territories, and Russia's strengthening influence.


The elections will likely cement the status quo for Luhansk and Donetsk, which have been controlled in large part by pro-Russian separatists since the spring. Russia has said it will recognize the results, while Ukraine, along with European governments and the United States, has said it will not, maintaining that the elections violated a cease-fire agreement signed in Minsk in September.



The cease-fire, which has been unraveling in daily shooting along the front lines, called for local elections to take place under Ukrainian law, and Kiev has scheduled city and village votes for Dec. 7. However, rebel leaders say they have no intention of allowing them to take place in Donetsk and Luhansk, and scheduled their vote for Sunday instead.


"We hope that it will be a free declaration of will and that nobody will try to ruin it from the outside," Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov of Russia told the Russian newspaper Izvestia.

俄羅斯外長謝爾蓋·V·拉夫羅夫(Sergey V. Lavrov)告訴俄羅斯《消息報》(Izvestia),“我們希望,這是自由意志的展示,沒人會試圖從外部毀掉它。”

Western governments, including Germany and France, have called on Russia to refrain from recognizing the rebel votes. Secretary of State John Kerry called the elections a "clear violation" of the Minsk agreement.

包括德國及法國在內的西方政府曾呼籲俄羅斯不要承認叛亂分子的投票結果。美國國務卿約翰·克里(John Kerry)稱這些選舉活動“明顯違反”了明斯克停火協議。

Rebel election officials said about half a million people had voted by midafternoon in Donetsk, amid rising military tensions. The Ukrainian military said Sunday that Russia had in recent days bolstered equipment supplies to separatists. On Saturday, a column of 62 military trucks, including several carrying rocket launchers, drove through Donetsk.


Ukrainians voted overwhelmingly last week for the pro-European political parties led by President Petro O. Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk; the separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk did not take part in those elections and scheduled their own.

上週,烏克蘭人投票支持由總統彼得羅·O·波羅申科(Petro O. Poroshenko)和總理阿爾謝尼·P·亞採紐克(Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk)領導的親西方政黨,使其獲得了壓倒性的票數;頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克的分裂分子沒有參與此次投票,自己設定了投票時間。

In an effort to draw voters to an election lacking suspense — as the existing rebel leaders, including Mr. Zakharchenko, a former electrician, seem sure to stay on — polling stations opened Sunday in Donetsk schools with gigantic piles of cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets and onions in the yards outside; at one site, the vegetables were sold at far below market price. At other sites organizers gave the vegetables away. Several polling stations offered live entertainment, ranging from a three-member Slavic folk band to a man playing an accordion.


In a practice common in authoritarian post-Soviet countries, one candidate in Donetsk endorsed his opponent, Mr. Zakharchenko, in the race. In a 2012 presidential race in Turkmenistan, for example, nominally competing candidates gave speeches standing in front of giant posters of the incumbent, who won.


"We don't have any differences, none at all," Yuri V. Sivokonenko, the head of a police union and candidate for head of state, said in an interview. "I didn't ask people to vote for me, because I don't have any differences in principle with Zakharchenko."

“我們沒有任何分歧,完全沒有,”政府首腦候選人、警察工會領導人尤里·V·西沃科年科(Yuri V. Sivokonenko)在接受採訪時說。“我沒有讓人們給我投票,因爲在原則上,我和扎哈爾琴科沒有任何不同。”

Mr. Sivokonenko said he had put up no campaign advertising because he lacked funds for it. A deputy speaker of the Parliament of Novorossia, Aleksandr Kofman, was also on the ballot but ran a low-profile campaign. No candidates ran in open opposition to the current rebel leadership. The overriding goal of the election, Mr. Sivokonenko said, was to boost the legitimacy of the separatists' state. "By the end of the day, the Donetsk People's Republic will have a new status," he said. "The election confirms our status as a state."

西沃科年科表示由於缺乏資金,自己沒有投放競選廣告。“新俄羅斯”(Novorossia)議會副議長亞歷山大·科夫曼(Aleksandr Kofman)也是候選人之一,但其競選活動頗爲低調。沒有候選人公開與現任反政府武裝領導人唱反調。西沃科年科稱此次選舉的首要目標,是鞏固分裂分子政權的合法性。“到今天結束的時候,頓涅茨克人民共和國將獲得一個新的身份,”他說。“選舉將確認我們作爲一個國家的身份。”

Long lines formed at polling stations in Donetsk. No voter lists existed, raising the risk of duplicate voting. The Donetsk People's Republic accepted ballots sent by email if voters attached a scanned copy of a passport.


Aleksandr A. Prokhanov, the editor in chief of the Russian nationalist newspaper Zavtra, who has advised separatist field commanders including Mr. Zakharchenko on ideological questions, said in an interview over the weekend that the Donetsk People's Republic would not be bound by rigid Western ideas of democracy.

俄羅斯民族主義報紙《明天》(Zavtra)總編輯亞歷山大·普羅科·漢諾夫(Aleksandr A. Prokhanov)會爲扎哈爾琴科等分裂主義戰地指揮官提供意識形態問題方面的諮詢,他在週末接受採訪時稱,頓涅茨克人民共和國不會受死板的西方民主思想的限制。

"There are elections when you choose between A and B, and then there are the more difficult ones when you choose between A and A," he said. "You are a liberal, so you do not understand this. In the Russian consciousness, you can choose between A and A and A, and choosing between an infinite number of A's is true freedom."
