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India says it has successfully tested a short-range nuclear-capable Indian test range director ((S. P. Dash)) says the trial of the Prithvi 2 missile was conducted Monday in the eastern state of Orissa. The Prithvi is domestically built and has been tested for several years. India and Pakistan regularly test missiles, mostly meant for any confrontation with each other. They have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, and the Himalayan region of Kashmir remains in dispute.印度表示成功試射了一枚可攜帶核彈頭的短程導彈。印度試驗場主任說,“大地─2”型導彈星期一在印度東部的奧里薩邦地區試射。“大地”導彈由印度製造,已經有過多年試射。印度和巴基斯坦經常試射導彈,大多意在雙方發生衝突時使用。自從1947年脫離英國統治獨立以來,兩國已經打了三場戰爭,兩國在喜馬拉雅地區的克什米爾仍然存有爭議。

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