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看GossipGirl第四季學英語4.10 感恩糾結S

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片名解析:Gaslit出自奧斯卡經典Gaslight,美麗的少女寶拉繼承了姑媽艾麗絲的大筆遺產,並與瀟灑、體貼的青年格里高利·安東結了婚。婚後家裏發生了許多怪事兒,使寶拉感到非常不安和害怕,尤其是每 到夜晚,房中的煤氣燈忽明忽暗,同時房頂上伴有奇怪的聲音,寶拉感到非常恐懼,但安東卻說是她精神上有毛病。青年偵探伯林爲弄清真相,來到寶拉的家中,他發現使寶拉恐懼的真正原因是...

I also know that you want to get out of the dodge.  
get out of the dodge 遠走高飛,擺脫現狀
完整的是get the hell out of Dodge,dodge是指堪薩斯州的Dodge City,是出電視劇《Gunsmoke》(荒野大鏢客)的一句流行語,是離開某地,擺脫困難窘迫現狀的意思。

Do they have a word in polish for "pain in the ass"?  
pain in the ass 肉中刺,眼中釘

Your mother wanted to pull out all the stops this year.  
pull out all the stops 全力以赴

She'll come around, I promise.  
come around 想通

they're time-sensitive.  
time-sensitive 時間緊急

We should get used to little run-ins like these. I mean, if bruce and demi could do it, It can't be that difficult.  
說到了Bruce Willis和Demi Moore~

ing-bottom: 55.16%;">看GossipGirl第四季學英語4.10 感恩糾結S

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題

This was serena acting out, blowing off steam Like she always does.
blow off steam 亂髮脾氣

I see my mom is sending in the big guns.  
big gun 有影響力的重要人物

I should hear your father out before I end things.  
hear sb. out 聽某人把話講完

Come on. I bust you out of the loony bin.  
loony bin 瘋人院

but the only way I'm going back there is in a straitjacket.  
straitjacket 緊身衣

It seems everyone's favorite party girl fell off the wagon and landed in rehab. Good luck getting a lohan-dle on things, s. From the looks of it, you've got a lot to recover from.
fall off the wagon 毒癮復發
lohan-dle 林賽·羅韓式的(反反覆覆進戒毒所)

She worms herself out of everything, and I needed to make sure that there was one more nail in her coffin
nail in the coffin of 致命一擊
一般會說final nail,棺材蓋上的最後一顆釘子,比喻意義爲最後的致命一擊

That's a pretty tall tale from a not too reliable source.  
tall tale 離譜的故事

The past stays in the past. 

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題