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ing-bottom: 133.33%;">Faith口語天天學第192期:交通大堵塞

Rush hour(s): 高峯時間

Everyone bustles during rush hour. 上下班時間每個人都忙忙碌碌的。

It restricts parking here during rush hour. 高峯時間這裏禁止停車。

Almost all streets are crowded in rush hour. 上下班時間幾乎所有街道非常擁擠。

Get up earlier to avoid the rush hour. 早點起牀,避開交通高峯期。

If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour. 你要是現在走,可能正趕上交通擁擠的時刻。

Traffic jam(s): n. 塞車,交通堵塞

His car was stalled in a traffic jam. 他的車子在交通阻塞中動彈不得。

We may make it on time, if there's no traffic jam. 如果一路沒有塞車,我們能按時趕到。

We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. 我們因交通堵塞而受阻一個小時。

The traffic jam filled the street up completely. 交通堵塞使道路交通完全中斷。

Sorry, I'm late, there was a heavy traffic jam, and my car couldn't move at all. 對不起,我遲到了,交通大擁塞, 我的車根本就動不了。

Sorry, sweetie, I'm afraid I might be very late, I'm stuck in a traffic jam, could your parents wait for another 2 hours? 對不起,寶貝,我恐怕會很遲啊,我被困在交通堵塞裏了,你父母能再等兩小時嗎?