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can't do anything with:無能爲力,束手無策

Bill is such a discipline problem. I can't do anything with him.

My hair is such a mess. I just can't do anything with it.


can't complain:還不錯,沒什麼好抱怨的:to admit that things are mostly all right

My job gives me a month's vacation, so I really can't complain.


美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第2張

can't carry a tune:唱歌跑調,五音不全,唱的不好:[to be] unable to sing a simple melody; lacking musical ability.

I wish that Tom wouldn't try to sing. He can't carry a tune.

美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第3張

I don't know why Mary's in the choir. She can't carry a tune in a bushel basket.

Joe likes to sing in the shower, though he can't carry a tune in a bucket.

I'd try to hum the song for you, but I can't carry a tune in a paper sack.

can't boil an egg:不會做飯,連煮蛋都不會:if someone can't boil an egg, they are not able to cook

Usage notes: This phrase comes from the idea that boiling an egg is a very easy thing to do.

Don't expect a dinner invitation from Laura - she can't boil an egg.

call the shots 或者call the tune:發號施令;操縱;指揮:to make the decisions; to decide what is to be done.

He isn't in a position to call the shots here.


Sally always wants to call the shots, and Mary doesn't like to be bossed around.

They don't get along well. Sally always wants to call the tune.

美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第4張

call something square:已經了結,不提:to pronounce a debt or obligation to have been paid, balanced, or ended.

Thanks for the hundred bucks. I think we can call it square now.

美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第5張

dead and gone

1. [of a person] long dead.


Old Gert's been dead and gone for quite a spell.

When I'm dead and gone, I hope folks remember me at my best.

美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第6張

2. [of a thing] gone long ago.


That kind of thinking is dead and gone.

The horse-and-buggy days are dead and gone.

dead and buried

and interred, and soon to be forgotten.死亡並埋葬,不久之後就會被忘記.

Now that Uncle Bill is dead and buried, we can read his will.

forever. 一去不復返

That kind of old-fashioned thinking is dead and buried.

somebody's/something's days are numbered(人)來日無多;生存時日屈指可數;死期不遠,行將就木;(物)即將毀壞:if someone's or something's days are numbered, they will not exist for much longer

My days are numbered, but I hope I can live long enough to see my grandchild.

As our local cinema struggles to survive, it seems clear that its days are numbered.

daylight robbery (British, American & Australian) 或者highway robbery (American & Australian)高的索價;明目張膽的剝削、掠奪:a situation in which you are charged much more for something than you think you should have to pay

Three pounds for an orange juice? It's daylight robbery!

It's daylight robbery to charge that amount of money for a hotel room!

美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第7張

daydream about someone or something 幻想,白日夢:to have daytime fantasies about someone or something.

Poor Alice is always daydreaming about Albert.

John is daydreaming about running away to Tahiti.

The boy daydreams about lottery wins.


美劇中出鏡率極高的地道英語(8) 第8張